Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Genealogical Services at LAC

Here is an eMail that I received that should be of interest to our members.

Dear Members of the Ukrainian Genealogy Group - Prince Edward Island,
My name is Amy Larin. I am a graduate student working for the summer with Judy Lee, Library and Archives Canada librarian responsible for the acquisition of genealogical & multicultural publications, on an outreach project with Canadian genealogical publishers. This summer, we are contacting all Canadian genealogical societies to update our publisher database, and inform publishers about the many services we offer.
Library and Archives Canada would appreciate some additional information on your group, including information on any publications. Genealogical publications comprise an important part of our collections, and we appreciate the cooperation of authors and publishers that help us build these collections.
As you may know, Library and Archives Canada offers many beneficial, and, most importantly, free services to publishers (including researchers publishing family histories), including the Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) service and the New Books Service:
Cataloguing in Publication (CIP):
New Books Service:
The New Books Service allows you to include supplementary information such as table of contents, cover pages, and book reviews to help you market your titles.
Library and Archives Canada Services for Publishers
Library and Archives Canada provides a wide range of services that bring together Canadian publishers and recording companies with retailers, libraries, readers, listeners and researchers. Participation in the ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) and Legal Deposit programs assures publishers and recording companies of two valuable benefits: that their works are included in the national collection and preserved for posterity; and that information about their works is included in the national bibliography, Canadiana, and in other sources such as, New Books Service for distribution throughout Canada and around the world.
Please visit the websites listed below for more information:
http://www.collectionscanada.ca/publishers/index-e.html and
ISBN (International Standard Book Number):
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number):
Preservation Services:
One copy of every publication, in any format, is stored in LAC's preservation collection, where it is kept in a carefully controlled environment and allowed limited use only. The objective is to ensure its availability for future generations. The second copy is available for use in our library or by interlibrary loan.
Legal Deposit:
Legal Deposit is the means by which a comprehensive national collection is gathered together as a record of the nation's published heritage and development. Canadian publishers are required to send two copies of all the books, pamphlets, serial publications, microforms, spoken word sound recordings, videorecordings, electronic publications issued in physical formats (CD-ROM, CD-I, computer diskette, etc.), and one copy of musical sound recordings and multi-media kits they publish, to Library and Archives Canada. For more information on legal deposit, see:

Legal Deposit Forms: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/6/25/s25-201-e.html
Here is our mailing address for your books:
Legal Deposit Section
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N4
As you may know, two copies are required to be deposited when the print run exceeds 100 copies. However, most genealogical publishers issue titles with a very small print run, requiring only one copy for deposit. If your print run is less than 101, we would like to purchase the second copy of your genealogical title. For your convenience, you may wish to send us two copies of each of your publications with an invoice for the second copy specifying the price and print run (please note that you can include postage/handling costs and the GST, if applicable, in the invoice).
Please feel free to contact me at the coordinates at the end of the e-mail. Alternatively, you can contact Judy Lee at the following coordinates:
Judy Lee
Legal Deposit Section
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4
E-mail: judy.lee@lac-bac.gc.ca
Tel: (819) 953-2114
Fax: (819) 953-8508
(toll free) 1-866-578-7777
Finally, if your members would like copies of our newly revised genealogical publication Tracing your Ancestors in Canada, please send us an e-mail specifying the number of copies.
Library and Archives Canada thanks you for helping us build a strong genealogical collection.
Amy Larin
Canadian Monograph Acquisitions Assistant
Legal Deposit Section | Section du dépôt légal
Library and Archives Canada | Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
395 rue Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4
E-mail | Courriel: Amy.Larin@lac-bac.gc.ca

Tel: (819) 934-9384
Fax | Télécopieur : (819) 953-8508
Toll free|sans frais: 1-866-578-7777

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